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About EYES.

“Citizenship is the chance to make a difference to the place where you belong.”

Anto Vincent, Founder EYES


EYES Trust - Empowering Youth, Educating Society
Founded on 10th December 1999,  works towards New Creation.

New Creation is to aspire to align oneself to the Life purpose.
New Creation is to start  living in the flow of the life purpose.
New Creation is to be guided harmoniously by life.
New Creation is to go beyond the transactional state of mind, body and emotion.
New Creation is to evolve and transform oneself.
New Creation is the evolving Self and the Larger collective.


All projects are part of the larger wholistic education mission of EYES.The central point  and focus of EYES is to offer learning to be a life long inner pursuit which will enable the creation and unfolding of a new society.

Our Work


To BE the vast clearing for the emergence of New Creation in all


To bring resources to people who carry new precious subtle creative energy within themselves and to help them with their development To enable them in their expression of the New Creation in the world To breathe the New Creation in areas of education, art, health, social-reformation, national welfare. To reach out to the Youth and the Youth at heart 

Focus Areas and Projects

1. Integral Education

2. Nature Connect

3. Natural Health

4. She Evolves

5. Youth above 60

She Evolves

The Woman is the sacred crucible which holds nurtures and transforms a seed to a human.The innate power of transformation bears within it all her joys,her challenges,her intuition and her natural state of being -all of which may not be expressed fully at all times . Her transformation impacts the collective transformation.Hence the need for her to Evolve ,Transform.


SHE Evolves -this project aims to  enable the woman to shine a light on herself and to Be the birthing space for her transformation ;to bring out her latent qualities,her true potential ,for her to transform from her higher self,to go beyond  stereotypical contexts and to carry her transformation into the collective of which SHE is an integral part.



Connect with Self-Help groups and various women forum groups across different strata of society and geography

Open Circles

Form small ‘Open Circles’ and attach mentors/ coaches to them so that the women can evolve and express their aspirations and higher potentials in line with the ‘She’ vision

Service Name 

Create an online forum for women from all walks of life to share their stories as they imbibe and express the ‘She’ project. The project will create a space for the collective to listen, understand and learn from ‘She’ STORIES – straight from everyday life and work. The stories are to give an opportunity for the women to share with the world how she explored and expressed her true higher nature, potential and gifts into her collective – family, organisation, institution, government, society and world. It aims to describe the growth, change, progress and transformation that were made possible in the collective because of her full and higher expression.

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