Manna Abraham
Teacher on Roll - Touching hearts through Stories on the move and Teaching Language of love & compassion, of self-reliance.
Compassion and kindness are the passionate values that she adopts in life and it works ..
She compares herself to a doe , generally a gentle and calm being , but when she is chased or hunted down, she is always ahead in the race without any looking back survival is her only goal.
Exploring new territories and executing them with the core essence of resilience and self reliance got her moving to the US at the age of 45 and guess what ?
She was the only Indian teacher in the 146 years, of the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus ( US). She was required to run a one room school while travelling all around the US ( 48 states to be exact ) for 8 years . Her home was a room on the train owned by the Circus. Her students could be anyone between the grades of 1and 12.
She is Manna Abraham from Chennai and we invite you to listen to HER story , a story of a passionate teacher , a compassionate human being , a bundle of love for her family including her 2 sons, their wives, and her grandchildren.